Friday, October 31, 2008

shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP.

Am I the only person who thinks this sounds like a middle-schooler apologising after getting into a cat-fight with her BFF in the hallway over the quarterback of the football team?

This commercial, hastily slapped together in the kerfuffle following Ms. Bachmann's appearance on Hardball where she channeled Joe McCarthy and suggested an investigation of the American-ness of members of Congress, has been running at a rate of about three hundred showings per hour in Minnesota.

Here is the Hardball clip:

And the "apology":

Just for the record, if I were voting in your district, Ms. Bachmann, I'd be voting for someone with a good head on his/her shoulders. I could not give a s**t about your heart. And stop making it sound like liberal government and "liberty and freedom" are mutually exclusive. They aren't, and your head knows it. Pass the message on to your heart.

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